Thursday 13 December 2012

The Insider

This game is about the earthquake happened in Haiti and the purpose of inventing this game is to let people more or less see things from the inside of Haiti earthquake incident. In this game, I chose to be a victim because I really wanted to see what if I am the victim, what are the choices do I have and is there any activity that I can do to keep me survived in that kind of harsh environment.
After I played the game, I felt sympathy for them because after facing the earthquake, they still have to deal with many kind of problems. 

My Way To Conduct An Activity Using This Game.

First of all, I'll tell students to play the game. During the game, student are required to jot down which role are them taking (survivor, aid worker, journalist), what kind of situation are they facing and what decision did they made. After they had finished playing, students need to write a narrative essay about the game in not less than 80 words.

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